Language: 简体中文 English

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Hence, Scientific Program Committee now wishes to invite abstracts from clinicians and pediatric researchers, for oral or poster presentations, and/or for inclusion in the conference agenda book. The topic for abstract can be all pediatric related research: basic clinical research; pediatric management; scientific research methods; education methods or clinical experiences. 
Please carefully read the Abstract Guideline below before submitting an abstract. Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through official Congress website. Abstract sent by post, fax or email WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 14 September, 2024

Important Notes

★Accepted abstracts will be presented in either thematic Poster Sessions or Oral Abstract Sessions. Abstracts not selected for presentations may still be included in the conference agenda book.
★Authors of abstracts accepted for presentation MUST be registered delegates and be responsible for all expenses incurred in the production of their presentations, travel and accommodation during the Conference.
★It is the author's responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. Abstracts will be rejected if they contain no data or if the English is unacceptable. All Presenting Authors will receive, closer to the Congress, detailed presentation guidelines when their abstract/s has/have been accepted.
★Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Presenting Author's email address immediately upon submission. An abstract accepted/rejection letter will be sent once a decision is made. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type, date and time, via the email that is provided in the abstract submission.

Abstract Guidelines

★The abstract must be written and presented in English.
★The abstract must be submitted online. 

★You need to be registered for the Congress in order to submit an abstract.
★The Abstract must contain original data and meet international ethical standards.
★Case reports that include findings that are significant and have applied appropriate statistical and analytical methods will be considered.
★Previously published and presented abstracts can be submitted, but will not be published in the web pages of the Congress.
★The abstract title and the author(s) or names of institutions are not to be included in the abstract text.
★Standard abbreviations may be employed in the text. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full wording at the first time the full wording appears in the body of the text.
★Non-proprietary (generic) names of drugs, written in lower case, are required at the first mention of a drug.
★Trade names are not allowed.
★Submission of more than one abstract by the same author is permitted.

Abstracts submission categories

Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases  

Prevention of Allergic Diseases  

Mechanisms of Allergic Diseases 

Treatment of Allergic Diseases

Atopic Dermatitis: Epidemiology  

Atopic Dermatitis: Pathology  

Atopic Dermatitis: Diagnosis, Test  

Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment  

Atopic Dermatitis: Prognosis, QOL  

Asthma: Epidemiology  

Asthma: Pathology 

Asthma: Diagnosis, Test  

Asthma: Treatment  

Asthma: Prognosis, QOL  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Epidemiology  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Pathology  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Diagnosis  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Test  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Oral Food Challenge  

Immediate-type Food Allergy: Treatment (Immunotherapy)  

Immediate -type Food Allergy: Prognosis, QOL 

Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS)  

Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis 

Food protein-induced enterocolitis (FPIES)  

Food protein-induced enteropathy (FPE)  

Food protein-induced proctocolitis (FPIAP)  

Eosinophilic Gastro-Intestinal Disorder(EGID)  

Respirology - Infection 

Respirology - Sleep  

Ocular Allergy, Nasal Allergy, Pollen Allergy  

Drug Allergy  


Immunodeficiency Disease  


Healthcare team  

Education, Guidance 


Structure of the Abstract

★Include a brief statement of the purpose of the study.
★Include the method used, and the result observed
★Include the conclusions based upon the results
★A maximum of 800 words is allowed for the abstract text.
★Tables and graphs should not be included in the abstract.
★References (maximum of 10) can be included at the end of the abstract.
★It is inadequate to state "The results will be discussed" or "The data will be presented".
We kindly ask you to subtitle the paragraphs in bold format in the following order:






A) Background: A statement of purpose of the study (preferably one sentence).
B) Methods: A brief statement of the methods used. For abstracts reporting clinical research, a sentence or phrase presenting the most important selection criteria for subjects should be included.
C) Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail with statistical analysis to support the conclusions.
D) Conclusions: A statement of the conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state, "the results will be discussed," or "other data will be presented," etc.


Affiliations should include department, institute, town and country. Where there are multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the order used against the author names and show the appropriate superscript number, e.g.:
1 Department, University, Town, State, Zip code 
2 University, Town, State, Postcode

3 Company, Town, State, Postcode
** Please note! If affiliations are not listed as above you will not be published! **

Consent to Publish

Should your abstract contain identifiable information about a patient, we ask all consent is received before submitting your abstract. Please check the box if you have received consent to publish or if you do not need consent to publish.

Abstract Revisions

Changes to abstracts are accepted only until the submission deadline by using the abstract submission website. After 14 September 2024, no changes or revisions will be allowed.

Notification of Acceptance
Notification of acceptance will be emailed by 1 October 2024. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type, date and time, via the email that is provided in the abstract submission.

Publication of Abstracts

Accepted Abstract Authors will have their abstract published online at the official Congress website

Attendance of Presenters

APAPARI cannot guarantee that Presenting Authors who do not show up during the session will be accepted for abstract presentations at future meetings.

Online registration submission technical support

Kathy Guo
Mobile: +86 13810195240

Office-line: +86 010-84320382