编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 07:30-08:30 | 辩论 |
GPPA 理事会 GPPA Council Meeting
深圳市儿童医院/首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 /
Anne Eng Neo Goh
KK Women's and Children's Hospital /
Basil Elnazir
Children's Health Ireland (CHI) at Tallaght, Ireland /
Chris O'Callaghan
University College London (UCL) /
Eitan Kerem
Hadassah University Hospital /
中国医药教育协会儿科专业委员会 /
TS Lo Foundation, Chinese University of Hong Kong /
Rina Triasih
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital /
Kazunobu Ouchi
Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare /
Lance Rodewald
中国疾病预防控制中心 /
Rosemary Horne
Monash Children's Hospital /
中国医药教育协会 /
Ruth Etzel
George Washington University
Discussion |
GPPA Council Meeting
Kunling Shen
Shenzhen Children's Hospital/Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University /
Anne Eng Neo Goh
KK Women's and Children's Hospital /
Basil Elnazir
Children's Health Ireland (CHI) at Tallaght, Ireland /
Chris O'Callaghan
【United Kingdom】
University College London (UCL) /
Eitan Kerem
Hadassah University Hospital /
Spencer Li
Gary WK Wong
【Hong Kong, China】
TS Lo Foundation, Chinese University of Hong Kong /
Rina Triasih
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital /
Kazunobu Ouchi
Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare /
Lance Rodewald
National Immunization Program of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention /
Rosemary Horne
Monash Children's Hospital /
Yu Guan
中国医药教育协会 /
Ruth Etzel
George Washington University